Building a trusting feeding relationship with your child using Therapeutic Use of Self

Have you ever just “clicked” with someone and known that they were a good fit for you? Whether a personal trainer, a spouse, or maybe even a hairdresser, it’s important to find your people

Through THERAPEUTIC USE OF SELF (TUS), we intentionally use our own unique personality, attributes and life experiences to establish a therapeutic relationship with the children and families we serve. This approach is grounded in the belief that a positive, connected relationship among the child, family, and therapist is essential for successful therapeutic outcomes. 

The main definition of Therapeutic Use of Self (TUS) was first used by Gary Kielhofner as part of the foundation of the occupational therapy profession as we know it today. TUS is what creates a meaningful relationship between the therapist and child to produce participation and progress in occupations that matter to the child and family. It includes the planned use of a therapist’s personality, insights, body language and emotions as part of the therapeutic process. 

Therapeutic Use of Self for feeding therapy includes: 

Empathy: Building rapport so the child feels at ease to trust the therapist.

Encouragement: Finding the “just right challenge” so the child is motivated enough to participate and challenge themself to work hard, yet not too challenging so the child gives up or refuses to participate. 

Responsiveness: Using subtle body language and facial expressions to show acceptance and support. 

Advocacy: Encouraging body autonomy and respect. 

Collaboration: Including family values, customs and routines into the goals to fit the desires of the family.

How does Therapeutic Use of Self benefit your child?

By using Therapeutic Use of Self, our feeding therapists can help your child feel safe, secure, and supported during feeding therapy sessions. This approach allows the therapist to be fully present and attuned to your child's needs, preferences, and comfort level. With the help of Therapeutic Use of Self, our therapists can:

  • Build a positive relationship with your child based on trust and respect.

  • Create a safe and supportive therapy environment that encourages exploration and adventurous learning about food.

  • Adapt to your child's unique sensory needs and preferences to ensure a successful therapy experience.

  • Encourage your child to build confidence, independence, and curiosity around mealtimes.

Therapeutic Use of Self is fundamental to our best practice of occupational therapy at That Makes Sense OT. We use TUS to establish a positive and nurturing therapeutic relationship to connect with your child so they flourish and become the curious, adventurous little beings they were born to be. 

If you are looking for the right fit for your family’s feeding journey, check out our comprehensive feeding services today.

That Makes Sense OT

Personalized online coaching/educational support for picky eating/problem feeding/ARFID/Pediatric Feeding Disorder using a Responsive Feeding Approach. Our expert pediatric occupational therapist-turned feeding coach will guide you to nurture your fussy feeder into an adventurous eater. Our coaching packages offer individualized live support, ongoing communication, video reviews, and resources to help you create peaceful mealtimes, bringing harmony back to your family. Our evidence-based approach is research-driven to provide the most comprehensive strength-based support for sensory processing, overcoming bottle aversion, reflux, tongue-tie, oral motor, and other feeding related issues. We are neurodiverse affirming.

Why Responsive Feeding Works... and Why It’s So Hard


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